Tuesday, November 15, 2005

SHY RABBIT Events as of 12.06.05

Shy Rabbit

Nov 19-Dec 17 “Invitational & Juried Art Show” with Susan Anderson, Sarah Comerford, Emilio Mercado and Shan Wells along with 15 juried artists from around the region

Gallery Open: Saturdays, Nov. 26, Dec. 3, 10 & 17 from 1-4 p.m.
Sundays, Nov. 27, Dec. 4, 11 & 18 from 1-4 p.m.
Exhibit has been extended until Saturaday, January 7th

Dec 18, 1-4 p.m. Artist’ Roundtable and presentation of final proposal and plans for 2006 Studio Tour

Dec 31 Deadline to reserve a spot on Shy Rabbit Studio Tour and in promotional brochure directory/poster

Jan 14, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. “Intuitive Book Art” A Workshop with Susan Anderson, $45

Jan 15, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Colorado Lawyers for the Arts, COLA Workshops
"Arts Business-Act I" 9 a.m.-12 p.m., $15
"Arts Business-Act II" 1 p.m.-4 p.m., $15

Jan 21, 1-4 p.m. Professional Development Workshops: From the Inside Out
Artist’s Statements: Writing about One’s Creative Work
with Jules Masterjohn, $35

Feb 18-Mar 25 “Primarily Found Objects”, A Group Exhibition

Feb 18, 5-9 p.m. Artist’s Reception, “Primarily Found Objects”

Feb 19, 1-4 p.m. Artist’s Roundtable

Shy Rabbit and The Space@Shy Rabbit
333 Bastille Drive, Units B-1 and B-4
(970) 731-2766

Saturday, November 12, 2005

"Primarily Found Objects", Call to Artists

"Primarily Found Objects", an Open Group Show
Call to Artists

     SHY RABBIT invites all interested parties to participate in "Primarily Found Objects", an Open Group Show, February 18 through March 15, 2006. Opening reception is Saturday, February 18, from 5-9 p.m. This is a non-juried exhibition open to anyone wishing to express themselves creatively using a minimum of 60% found objects, and incorporating at least one of the three primary colors. This show is not theme restricted, but works must be tasteful and appropriate for gallery display. Participants are encouraged to explore their creativity by assembling found objects into unique and interesting art forms, and are also encouraged to stretch the boundaries of the definition of "found objects." Space will be limited. Displays will vary in size, and will be designated on a first come, first serve basis. Participants may choose from available floor, wall, shelf, or pedestal displays. Cost to participate is $20. SHY RABBIT will retain 30% commission of sale price. The Showroom and the Space @ SHY RABBIT will be open regular weekend hours following the opening reception. Awards will be given to two participants creating the most compelling and unusual works using found objects, who will also receive free passes to upcoming January, 2006, workshops. To find out more about this unique group show, please attend the Artists' Round Table at SHY RABBIT on Sunday, November 20, from 1-4pm. Application forms and space designations will be available at that time.

     SHY RABBIT is located at: 333 Bastille Drive, B-1 & B-4, Pagosa Springs, CO, 81147. For additional information, please call 731-2766, or e-mail shyrabbit01@aol.com.

Artists' Invitational & Open Juried Exhibition

"Artists' Invitational & Open Juried Exhibition"

SHY RABBIT is proud to be hosting its inaugural "Artists' Invitational & Open Juried Exhibition," November 19 through December 17, 2005, to be held in the Showroom and the Space @ SHY RABBIT. An Opening Reception will be held on Saturday, November 19, from 5-9pm. This ambitious exhibition highlights the work of 4 remarkable Invitational artists, together with juried entries from 15 uniquely talented emerging artists. The juried portion of this show is the product of a Call to Artists that went out in October, which resulted in the receipt of nearly 80 entries from 24 artists residing in Pagosa, Durango, Salida and elsewhere. After careful review by a jury committee, several works by 15 artists were accepted for inclusion in the show. The committee would like to thank all of the talented artists that submitted their work for consideration, and also acknowledge their valuable contribution to the creative process.

Featured in the SHY RABBIT Showroom will be the work of acclaimed photographer, Emilio Mercado, whose work is inspired by master still life painter, Jean Baptiste Simeon Chardin, b. 1699. Mercado's light painted photographs capture objects in their purest form. Additional invited artists are contemporary painter, Sarah Comerford, known for her thought provoking large scale oil and gold-leaf paintings; Mixed-media artist, Susan Andersen (MarSan), recognized locally and internationally for her fine assemblage art; and Installation artist, Shan Well, known most recently for his very impressive "Moments Project" in Durango, CO.

An Artists' Round Table will follow on Sunday, November 20, from 1-4pm. Featured speaker will be Durango artist and instructor, Shan Wells. All are welcome.

SHY RABBIT is located at: 333 Bastille Drive, B-1 & B-4, Pagosa Springs, CO, 81147. For additional information, please call 731-2766, or e-mail shyrabbit01@aol.com.