“Printmaking without a press” is a high content, process driven fine art printmaking workshop utilizing the “low impact” printing process developed by professional Artist, D. Michael Coffee called “Reductive Ink”™. Participants will be exposed to Coffee’s proprietary techniques through hands on involvement with the tools and materials of the process.
This introductory 8 hour workshop will focus on the use of black ink only to allow for the exploration of the infinite possibilities of line, tone and texture inherent in this unique process.
Participants can expect to develop their own personal imagery in tandem with the demonstrated techniques that will result in finished works of Art or this workshop can be approached as strictly a concentrated exposure to techniques that can be developed at a later date. Information (in this workshop) will be presented in a manner that will kick start the novice as well inspire the professional Artist to view their own work in a new way.
Printmaker D. Michael Coffee began developing his “Reductive Ink”™ printing process in 1987 in Los Angeles, CA. Coffee began his investigation as a result of a fortuitous miscommunication with a group of workman that resulted in the mistaken delivery of a 500 pound piece of a plexiglass bullet proof window from a Bank under demolition. With a vision to create a “low impact” printing technique to satisfy his desire to develop a means of creating images that were spontaneous and involved a bit of “out of controlness” he began working directly on the surface of the window. He was quick to realize that the process that he was developing was unique in the vocabulary of traditional fine Art printmaking. Coffee’s development of “Reductive Ink”™ printing allowed for the creation of line, tone and textures that rival the quality of those created with traditional methods with the added advantage of the “uniqueness” of each and every image.
Coffee’s work has been shown in over 70 group and solo print exhibitions, and is included in nearly 200 prestigious private and public collections throughout the world.
The techniques and process that resulted from Coffee’s methodical trial and error for the past 20 years are the basis for the knowledge to be presented in “Printmaking without a Press”.
Saturday, October 6 & 7, 2007
(includes one hour lunch break)
Saturday, October 13 & 14, 2007
(includes one hour lunch break)
SHY RABBIT Contemporary Arts
333 Bastille Drive
Pagosa Springs, CO 81147
Fee includes use of all required studio equipment, tools, inks, plates and other misc.consummable materials. Each participant will also be provided with up to 8 sheets of 11” x 15” – 90# “Arches” Hot Press, 100% rag fine arts paper. Additional paper will be available for purchase.
Workshops will be limited to a maximum of 6 participants with a minimum of 4 required for workshops to proceed as scheduled. SHY RABBIT Reserves the Right to cancel workshops with less than 4 registered participants up to 5 days before the scheduled workshop date. Registered participants will receive a full refund for cancelled workshops or may choose to apply fee toward future workshops.
If you have a group of 4 or more and wish to schedule a private workshop, please contact
Denise Coffee at: 970-731-2766 or shyrabbit01@aol.com
Fee is payable at time of registration and is nonrefundable for any event other than cancellation of workshop by SHY RABBIT.
Due to time constraints and limited workshop size, the preferred method of payment is via credit-card (Visa or M/C).
To Register please contact Denise Coffee at:
Phone: 970-731-2766
Email: shyrabbit01@aol.com
Participants should expect to wear comfortable clothing and footware appropriate to a working studio environment utilizing oil based non-toxic inks and mineral spirit solvents.
Participants need to be 18 years of age to register.