Monoprints are listed individually below, as viewed left to right on wall
*View may be enlarged by double clicking on images.

"Rouge/Azur" (1/1) 10.75"h. x 8.75"w. x 2"d. $350

(left to right)
"Vert/Sanguine" (1/1) 10.75"h. x 8.75"w. x 2"d. $350
"Bleu/Peche" (1/1) 10.75"h. x 8.75"w. x 2"d. $350
"Rouille/Violet" (1/1) 10.75"h. x 8.75"w. x 2"d. $350

"CĂ©rasine/Turquiose" (1/1) 10.75"h. x 8.75"w. x 2"d. $350

"String Theory" monoprints are listed individually below, as viewed left to right on wall

(left to right)
"String Theory - Red" (1/1) 5"h. x 5"w. x 2"d. $175
"String Theory - Green" (1/1) 5"h. x 5"w. x 2"d. $175
"String Theory - Rust" (1/1) 5"h. x 5"w. x 2"d. $175
"String Theory - Blue" (1/1) 5"h. x 5"w. x 2"d. $175
Steven Schaeffer, ceramics

(left to right)
Black clay, wood-fired, slipcast porcelain
10"h. x 25"w. x 12" d.
Black clay, wood-fired, slipcast porcelain
7"h. x 21.5"w. x 21.5" d.

(front to back view)
"C-Pod and Locks"

(front of image, left to right)
"C-Pod" and "Locks"
(back of image, displayed center of wall)
"Conquest - Triptych" (detailed below)

"Conquest - Triptych"
Slipcast porcelain, low fire glazes
Each piece measures:
36"h. x 13.5"w. x 13.5"d. (widest measurement at base)
$800 (for set of 3)

Black clay, wood-fired, slipcast porcelain
34.5"h. x 11.75"w. x 11.75"d. (widest measurement at base)